I decided that instead of photocopying all the pics and documents that I have that I would just take pics of all of them. This is exhausting. So far I am only about 25% done with just the picture taking and I've been doing this for about 3 weeks? LOL. So to make things a little easier and so I feel like I am making some sort of head way I decided that I would just photograph all of the scrapbook paper and then do some rough drafts digitally so I can get an idea of what I'm working with. I needed a little boost basically.
So here is my first one. I will be adding a lot more to the real one, like her birthday and death date and whatever other papers I have and information I have on her. I did her first because I feel some kind of strange connection with her. My grandpa has told me lots of stories, as she was his maternal grandma. She sounded like a really awesome lady and she was into a lot of the same things that I am now, like astrology-tarot readings--just spiritual and metaphysical things. Her name is Caroline and she is my great great grandmother. I just love her! Maybe in the afterlife I will get to meet her if she isn't on to her next earth life whenever I get there.