Etsy's talent amazes me everyday. Such creativity! I have been looking for bat accessories so I typed "bat" into the Etsy's search and lo and behold...tons and tons of unique, special and well thought out bat items! Look at the variety!
Ah, Halloween. I was having quite the writers block so to speak with new card ideas for a loooong time but I think I am back in business? I have a few new Halloween cards in the making but I better get crackin' on getting them up and listed. Here are a few of my old and new Halloween cards, click on the pictures to see what the insides say!
OMG! I love Halloween and I am getting so excited about it, just by seeing all the Halloween items all over Etsy's front page and the gift guides. I've never really been much into Coffins but for some reason this Halloween season I am verging on obsessed. These coffins are so awesome. They are all on my wish list!!